Photo walk in Hirtshals Part 1

A couple of weeks ago, I took a photo trip the the town of Hirtshals in the Northern part of Denmark with my good friend Bogdan. Hirtshals is known for fishing boats and ferries to Norway. But I never really took a walk around town there. So after a small search on google we found a nice 12km walk that took us around the town. I was shooting on my trusty Nikon F4s + 50mm, and had loaded some Fomapan 100 for the first post here.

First pictures are from the harbor areas, which is very industrial, not that exiting to walk in, but part of the route, so we walked it, and got some nice industrial pictures.

Lets admit it, part 2, which I will post later, is the scenic route ! But i really like the black and white film is these industrial settings. It kinda fits the theme πŸ™‚

After the harbor, we reached an area still at the coast, with some old bunkers from World war 2. Those things were build to last, and there is a lot of them along the Danish west coats. And a little Hirtshals life at the local inn, and some random shots around town.

I actually think, that Fomapan 100 is my favorite B&W Budget movie, I like the ok fine grain, and some nice contrast (These have been boosted a little in post, as I overexposed a little to much) (I really dislike Fomapan 400, way to grainy for my taste) Have a great day, and stay safe

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